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Large Canvas Poster

Large Canvas Poster


These canvas prints are solvent-free, and in various sizes.

Your print will be on a premium canvas and hand-stretch them over quality spruce-wood stretcher frames.

Decorate Your Wall with Top-quality Poster Canvas

  • Hand-stretched canvas on a sturdy spruce wood frame
  • Comes with custom edge designs
  • Appealing hues & high-resolution photo printing
  • UV-resistant, solvent-free inks 
  • Canvas certified for professional photo printing
  • Picture Edges

    Folded Edge

    Your canvas is stretched over the wooden frame just like a classic painting. The margins of the image will appear on the frame sides, so ensure that crucial details of your photo don’t appear too close to the edge.

    Stretched Edge

    Your photo is displayed in its entirety on the front of the canvas, while the outermost pixels of the image are stretched lengthwise along the sides of the frame, creating a motion-blur effect. (Vader shopping &  Opera)

    Black Edge

    As with our White Edge design, the image is printed only on the front of the canvas. A black strip printed on the edges of the photo canvas frame provides a striking pop of contrast. (Mandolorian & Grogu)

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